From your pastor… In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. (John 1: 1, 3-5, NRSV)
I love springtime and daylight savings time. I just wish that daylight savings time would remain our time schedule all year long, and never change. I just love it when at 7:30pm the sun is just now setting. Coming home from Belle Chasse recently, I saw the most spectacular sunset with the sky lit up with fading pinks and oranges and lavender making me say “thank you, Lord,” from my driver’s seat. I just feel more optimistic in general with the brilliant azaleas in bloom all over the city and the Easter lilies getting ready to bloom. It reminds us again of the glory of life, and how beautiful and precious it is. Count every moment sacred.
As we hear the story once more of our Lord Jesus defeating death, we too realize that we can overcome that tomb in our own lives. Whatever is holding us in bondage or in darkness, we can come to the Light of the world, and Jesus can empower us and renew us with strength and guidance and a life that is filled with light. Even though I am not a morning person, I do love the Easter Sunrise Service. I love it because it is open to the whole community. I love it because Christians gather together down by the Riverside and for a moment, we let go of our denominational differences. We gather in the Name of the Lord Jesus to worship and to fellowship. I love seeing the sun rise, and hearing the bagpipes play “Amazing Grace.” I am grateful to John Rode for volunteering every year to bless us with that gift.
“Ecumenical” is a word that describes reaching out to cross denominations and come together in Christ. We are going to have another opportunity to do that in April. The YOUTH WITH A MISSION (YWAM) ministry is having a regional conference here in New Orleans. The local directors, Steve and Bronwen Niles, asked if our church would partner with them to host a worship space, kitchen and dining for the participants who will gather here in Algiers. So, on April 16, 17, and 19, expect to see our church overflowing with young people and their leaders. They give their lives to serving Christ in mission. We have been blessed to know many of those serving God through YWAM over the years. Pray for their conference to be uplifting and spiritually renewing as they serve.
Look for the light and celebrate it when you find it this Easter Season!
Grace and peace,
Rev. Becky