From your pastor…
God has made everything suitable for its time. I know that there is nothing better for them than to be happy and enjoy themselves as long as they live; moreover, it is God’s gift that all should eat and drink and take pleasure in all their toil.
(Ecclesiastes 3: 11a, 12, NRSV)
Recently, I lost a dear friend to cancer at the age of 68. Her death was not expected, and it was a great loss to me and to so many people who were blessed to know her. She loved God and served God faithfully all of her life. She lived the love of God and put her faith into practice every day. Her funeral service was called a Celebration of Life. And truly it was.
This recent loss in my life reminded me once again how precious the gift of life is and how careful we should be in not wasting the days that we are given. In my opinion, the best way to be happy and to enjoy life is found in loving and serving God, and others. Putting love into action is the key to a blessed and good life.
We are to love God, to love others, and to love ourselves. A part of loving ourselves includes taking good care of our bodies and our souls. We are seeking to help our community and our church family by offering this Health Fair on Saturday, November 11, 2017. We will have the opportunity to get a flu shot to keep us healthy, get our blood sugar levels and blood pressure checked. We will have HIV testing available in a private and confidential setting. This year the Blood Center will also join us, and if you are eligible to donate blood, please do so. You are saving lives every time that you give. That is a fact. And due to so many disasters in recent times, the blood banks are very low in their supplies. There will be information about good health provided as well. The Common Ground Health Clinic is faithfully serving the people of Algiers with good, quality health care in an easily accessible location on Teche Street.
We are expecting the New Orleans Fire Department to come again this year, and the Confetti Players Choir to sing, also. We need your donated items to give away to the community. Please bring some extra tables to set up if you have any to spare. Be sure and put your name on your table so we can get it back to you. We need the most help at 7:30am to set up, but can use volunteers all day until closing at 1pm. This is an opportunity to put our love into action by sharing resources with our neighbors. Come and greet the people who come with love and friendliness. It is a lot of work, but it is also a lot of fun to be together. Pray for good weather! Special thanks to Gail Sherman from Common Ground who has worked very hard to lead this Health Fair again this year! God is good, ALL THE TIME!
Grace and peace,
Rev. Becky