From your pastor…
But Jesus called for them and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” Luke 18: 16, NRSV
We all love this story about Jesus and the children. The disciples thought Jesus was too busy to spend time with the kids, but Jesus rebuked them for turning away the children. He welcomed the children and blessed them and their families. One of the reasons we love that story so much is that we remember being children and sometimes feeling that we were not important enough in the scheme of things. Jesus wants men and women, boys and girls, teenagers and the elderly, EVERYBODY, to feel welcome and loved by God.
I think one of the best kept secrets of the ministry of our church is that of MOTHER’S DAY OUT. We don’t talk about it on Sunday mornings much because it happens here on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is a wonderful ministry where every child is welcomed and loved. Did you know that our director, Peggy May, has served faithfully for the last ten years? She has put together a wonderful program for the children of our church and our community. They have wonderful toys to play with daily. They have music and are learning songs together. They learn to “say grace” before lunch. They do arts and crafts, and Peggy makes sure no holiday is ever neglected. There are hearts and flowers and flags and candy canes and leprechauns and all kinds of delights on the walls in the Mother’s Day Out rooms for the holidays for the children to enjoy. The Krewe of Mother’s Day Out goes on a parade route through the neighborhood on good weather days. Some walk and others are in their strollers. Sometimes they visit the community garden and watch the chickens, and other times they take treats to our local firefighters three blocks away. Each day they take a nap in the afternoon. The children learn to play well with others and to socialize and learn new skills in their growth and development. It is a cherished ministry to the children and the parents involved.
As the pastor, I want to say that “Thank You, Peggy”, is really not adequate to express our appreciation. We also are grateful to Charlotte Hemard and Patti Arnold who work with the children. Many others have come and served faithfully as well. I can proudly recommend this program to parents. Next year, Charlotte will be the Director and we will be offering a three day program, Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Children ages 8 months – 5 years old are welcome. If you know of someone who is interested, please have them contact Charlotte at 504-957-3390 or call the church office at 504-361-1334.
As church members, please commit to praying for our Mother’s Day Out staff, children and the families. It is vital that we do all that we can to love, support, and strengthen families in this stressful time in which we live.
Grace and peace,
Rev. Becky