First Things First
We all do it. We “sweat the small stuff.” We “major in minors.” We get our priorities upside down. And thus the most important things in life which deserve our attention get pushed aside, while the little things, which don’t matter much at all, drain our time and energy. How important it is to put “first things first.”
This is why, for 20 centuries, the first sermon Jesus ever preached has been a major focus for his followers. In his “Sermon on the Mount,” he lays out what he believes is of highest priority in the living our lives. We 21st century Christians, who get sidetracked and conflicted about all sorts of political, partisan, and doctrinal issues, would do well to see what actually mattered most to our Lord. Otherwise, we may find ourselves wasting our lives and losing the Way while “majoring in minors.”
That’s why I’d like to spend the rest of the summer exploring some of the lessons from that first unforgettable sermon. What did Jesus “seek first” in his life? What do we “seek first” in ours?
See you Sunday!
Grace and Peace, Callie