Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.
(I Timothy 4: 12, NRSV)
From your pastor…
This statement is advice given by the Apostle Paul to the young Pastor Timothy. He is encouraging Timothy to set a good example of a strong and faithful Christian character. No one should discredit Timothy’s gifts because he is young. Everyone has something to offer in God’s service.
Recently, two of our youth attended the Youth Ignite event at Camp Istrouma. Sue Kitzman, Nicole Young, and I also attended. There were over 200 young people from Baton Rouge and New Orleans. We worshiped together, played games, swam, climbed the rock wall, danced, and zip lined. We made some new friends. It was a fun day!
Coming up, for our youth of the Baton Rouge and New Orleans districts, we are going to have a Leadership Training event at Dillard University. Dillard is one of many United Methodist institutions of higher learning. On Saturday, Sep. 20, we will meet at Dillard from 9am – 4pm for a day of fellowship and learning. There will be seminars for the youth and for the adults who are working in ministry with the youth in the United Methodist Church. The cost for the day is only $10 each which includes lunch.
Youth will learn about missions, leading small groups, fundraising, following Jesus, and planning youth events. They will also have the chance to meet some college students who can serve as role models. They will encourage our youth to set goals for getting a college education. For many youth, it seems like an impossible dream, but it can become a reality with the support of the church and God’s people in a faith community.
I hope we have youth and adults from Algiers United Methodist Church to attend and to take advantage of this opportunity. Please pray for our youth and get to know them. Please consider how you might also get involved in ministry with our youth. We have some wonderful young people in our midst, praise God!
Grace and peace,
Rev. Becky