From your pastor…
“but those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”
Isaiah 40: 31 (NRSV)
“Soaring on wings like Eagles” will be the theme of the next KAIROS OUTSIDE retreat at Camp Istrouma. It will happen on the weekend of September 25-27, 2015. KAIROS is a word that means “God’s time.” It is the name used for prison ministry around the world. KAIROS OUTSIDE is a spiritual retreat for women who have loved ones in prison. It is a life changing event for many. At this time, I am planning to be the lead spiritual director for this retreat. I have never done this before, and I am asking for your prayers for me and for the volunteer team members who work to provide the retreat and for the guests who come to the retreat. Also, I am asking you to prayerfully consider if you might join me in working for the retreat.
Team members meet on a series of Saturdays in order to get ready for the retreat in the fall. I will be going to Baton Rouge and Hammond for these meetings on July 25, Aug. 8, Aug. 29, Sep. 12, and a meeting after the weekend scheduled for Oct. 17. Because of my health problems, I cannot go in the summer in the heat to Mexico with the Belle Chasse Mission Team. So, I am choosing a mission here in LA in which to serve the Lord beyond our local community. Many of the women who participate in the KAIROS OUTSIDE ministry come from the New Orleans area. There are many United Methodists who are involved, and Rev. John Wesley began prison ministry as a priority for Methodists as a way of serving God. There are also Christians from other denominations that love God and want to serve.
Team members work by leading worship, making beds, cooking and serving food, giving spiritual testimonies, providing transportation for those who don’t have a way to come and go, and being in prayer for the people on that weekend retreat. Guests do not pay in order to come, but team members are involved in raising funds to meet expenses. I am so excited and yet nervous at the same time for September 25-27. If you are interested in serving, please let me know as soon as possible. I will get you an application. If you are not chosen to serve on this retreat, you may be able to serve in the future.
Having our son in prison has been a tremendous learning experience for me and my family. My prayer is always that God will use my personal experience to be a blessing and support for someone else. Please join me in this mission experience however you can.
Rev. Becky