So God created the great sea monsters, and every living creature that moves, of every kind,…And God saw that it was good.” Genesis 1: 21
Really, God? Even the mosquitoes? Apparently God had a reason to make those annoying, biting creatures that we call “skeeters.” They love our warm, Louisiana environment. They also abound in Africa, South America, and other places where the people may not have access to good medical care, or to government sponsored spraying of insecticides. Sadly, many people get sick with malaria and die. The United Methodist Church globally has chosen to fight against malaria for the years 2012-2016.
Louisiana Methodists have sponsored Skeeter Runs to raise money. Last year, we raised about $78,000. and we had 2500 people to participate. Part of the funds goes toward purchasing treated nets that protect people while they sleep from the mosquitos. This year, please put on your calendar the date of October 11, 2014. That will be our New Orleans District Skeeter Run which will take place in Mandeville. Our church, and probably Belle Chasse UMC, will register for the event, pick up our T-shirts, and then have our own mini-version of a Skeeter Run by walking/running as a group at City Park. This will be very informal, and hopefully, a lot of fun. Please let Charlotte Hemard know if you want to register. She can register us as a team. We will be the Algiers “Swat Team!” You can get more information from the website: louisianaskeeterrun.org
Also, put on your calendar now if you would like to volunteer for the Clean Jacket Day at the Christian Unity Baptist Church on Claiborne Avenue on Saturday, October 25. They need 200 volunteers for the day, and are hoping to serve 500 people. The volunteers will serve in two shifts, morning or afternoon. I hope to serve in the morning shift for that event. I have known the pastor of that church for many years, Rev. Dwight Webster. This event is sponsored by the Justice and Accountability Center. You can visit their website to register to volunteer at jaclouisiana.org Please be in prayer for both of these very significant events.
I realize this is July, but we can plan for the future, and think cool thoughts like October breezes while we are sweltering in 95 degrees! Apparently, God thought that summer was a good idea!
Grace and peace,
Rev. Becky