Instructions for Online Worship:
Though we are unable to gather together in person for worship on this Holy day, we will be able to gather digitally for worship via Facebook. If you are able to connect with us in that way, I encourage you to do so on our church’s Facebook page at 9AM for Belle Chasse UMC and 11AM for Algiers UMC when our service will go live.
During this Sunday morning service, we will also be taking part in Holy Communion together. Though normally this sacrament can only be received during in-person worship, our Bishop has given Louisiana clergy special permission to conduct virtual Communion during this time of required social distancing.
In order to be ready for this important part of our service together, please have ready some form of bread and juice. You can use the bread you baked on Wednesday, any bread you have at home, or even a bread-substitute like crackers or a tortilla. If you do not have grape juice at home (I realize most of us do not), feel free to use any other kind of juice or liquid (water, wine).
To make this service even more special, you may want to gather a candle and lighter beforehand as well, so that we can all collectively light our candles together at the beginning of worship, welcoming the light of Christ’s resurrection into our midst.
For those unable to worship online:
Scripture – John 20:1-18
Today we celebrate the risen Lord! Hallelujah! Hosanna in the Highest! Though today may not quite “feel” like past Easter’s have: no large worship services, musical celebrations, or big family gatherings, it is still a day where we are reminded that death no longer has the final word. Christ has conquered death, and because of this, we rejoice with glad hearts.
Even though much of the world around us continues to be in chaos, we can rest on the promise of God’s everlasting love. As Christians, we will continue to speak out this good news, shining our light out, into the darkness, holding onto the knowledge that,
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it” (John 1:5).
God, we give you thanks for this Easter Sunday. Fill us with the joy and awe that Mary felt that day, as she beheld an empty tomb and realized that the man standing before her was the risen Christ. Create within our hearts a resurrection story, God, enabling us to be born anew in the light of Your amazing love. Amen.
Activity Suggestion
Find a new way to celebrate Christ’s resurrection this Easter Sunday: examine the flowers in your garden, taking time to smell their fragrance and admire both their fragility and strength; release your inner-child by coloring a picture, allowing the bright colors to express your inward joy; copy down the words to Psalm 8 by hand, using your writing of them as a form of prayer.