Advent Candles

Lighting the Peace Advent Candle, 2021

Today we re-light the candle of hope and light the candle of Peace, In all of our moments, that even the smallest gesture of peace holds the infinite love of God. Debby Davis, Rooney Caldwell […]

Advent Candles

Lighting the Hope Advent Candle, 2021

Hope whispers to us, “Do you hear what I hear?” Speak to us and show us your Eternal hope this day as we light the first candle of Advent, the Candle of Hope.

Children's Sermon

So Many to Feed

Recorded November 21 2021 at Algiers United Methodist Church in New Orleans, Louisiana. Rev. JoAnne Pounds

Children's Sermon

God’s Loving Hands

Recorded November 14, 2021 at Algiers United Methodist Church in New Orleans, Louisiana. Rev. JoAnne Pounds