GPS – How can it help us?
GPS??? What is it? How can it help us? Is God our GPS? Does he give us directions when we are lost? Does he help us find our way in time of need? I know […]
GPS??? What is it? How can it help us? Is God our GPS? Does he give us directions when we are lost? Does he help us find our way in time of need? I know […]
Rev. Hadley R. Edwards, Pastor of the The Spirit Church, (7th Ward) New Orleans, Louisiana came to worship with us on January 31, 2016, and during the service was asked to say a few words. […]
JOHN NILSEN At Algiers United Methodist Church, 637 Opelousas Ave., New Orleans, LA Sunday, February 28 at 3pm John Nilsen was born in Seattle, Washington. The Nilsen family moved to Portland, Oregon in 1960. Nilsen […]
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope 2016 brings you good health and happiness. The years are flying by and I am really having a hard time believing it is a new year already. I am ready […]
December is a busy month for everyone, and also at Algiers Methodist Church. There are many opportunities for you to celebrate the Christmas season at Algiers UMC. December 13th will be a busy and special […]
Our church will be collecting food items and preparing Thanksgiving Baskets during the month of November. In addition to food, we asking for monetary donations to help cover the cost of Thanksgiving turkeys. If you […]
The UMW and UMM will not meet in November. Our next meeting will be for our annual Christmas Party on Tuesday, December 8th at 7:00 pm You do not need to be a member of […]
It is November already! Where is the time going? Our next JOY Club meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 11th at 11:00 am and it is also Veterans Day. We will celebrate Thanksgiving and […]
Congratulations to Brian and Sarah Waits on the birth of their son, Theo Arnold Waits. Theo made his appearance on Tuesday, September 29th at 6:19 am, weighing 9 pounds, 12 ounces and 21″ long. His […]
We are looking forward to sharing our resources with our friends in the Algiers neighborhood by sponsoring a free rummage sale and health fair. Please gather together items that are clean and in good repair […]
We are happy to introduce and welcome to the staff of Algiers UMC, Ms. Claudia D’Aquin. Claudia will be serving as our new music director and will begin at the worship service on Sunday, October […]
Copyright © 2021 | Algiers United Methodist Church | 637 Opelousas Street New Orleans, Louisiana 70114 | Rev. JoAnne Pounds