December is a busy month for everyone, and also at Algiers Methodist Church. There are many opportunities for you to celebrate the Christmas season at Algiers UMC. December 13th will be a busy and special day in the life of our church. We will begin the morning at 10:15 a.m. with music by Scott Manzella and the Metairie Lodge Jazz Band. Morning worship will start at 10:45 a.m. The Christmas story will be shared along with the singing of carols and special music by the Chancel Choir under the direction of Claudia D’Aquin, Music Director. Invite your family, friends and neighbors; there’s always room!
In the evening, beginning at 5:30 p.m., the children will present a live Nativity. The retelling of the Christmas story and singing of carols will fill the sanctuary. A special visit from Santa Claus will bring the activity from the sanctuary into Fellowship Hall. We will have a fun time at the Children’s Christmas Party; each child (and aren’t we all children at heart?) will have a chance to visit with Santa and have his/her photo taken. If you have friends or neighbors with children, invite them to enjoy this time with us. Please bring cookies or a treat to share (finger food is best).