It is time for a very important event that takes place each year at our church. It is our biggest fund raiser of the year. Our UMW – United Methodist Women always hold their yard sale in conjunction with the neighborhood “Treasures from the Point” porch sale. It is a huge event in the Algiers Point area. We are collecting items to sell at the sale. Please bring in your unwanted “Treasures” and place them in the room in the basement. Household items, furniture, toys, books, knickknacks, kitchen items, purses, scarves, jewelry, workable electrical items, etc. are greatly appreciated. Please do not bring in clothes.
We will be selling hot dogs and chili and baked goods that day. We are looking to expand our food sales as people are always hungry when they come to shop. We will need lots of volunteers the day of the sale to help bring the tables and items for sale out and also at the end of the sale to box up the unsold items and put the tables back.